Are Eggs and Cholesterol Really That Bad?

“Are eggs really that bad for us?” “Is dietary cholesterol really that important?” These questions still circulate. When the 2015-2020 dietary guidelines for Americans was published, it had some conflicting recommendations. It recommended that we eat as little dietary cholesterol as possible, but also stated that cholesterol was no longer a nutrient of concern. This [...]

Ditch Dairy to Reduce Risk of Cancer and Heart Disease

The new Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020-2025 was quietly published December 29, 2020. And the Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) has demanded that the USDA retract and redraft the guidelines.   Disappointingly, (but not surprisingly,) the new guidelines still call for dairy - a whopping 3 cups of it a day. They make this [...]

Tea, Fruit and Chocolate Associated with Lower Blood Pressure

Flavan-3-ols, a subclass of flavonoids found abundantly in tea, apples, chocolate, berries and grapes, may help lower blood pressure naturally. There have been many small interventional studies over the years that have demonstrated the heart health benefits of flavan-3-ols. Now there is published research from a large population study that also supports these conclusions. [...]

How to Boost Your Metabolism 18 Percent and Lower Cholesterol Naturally

Looking to boost your metabolism so you can lose weight more easily and lower your cholesterol naturally? You absolutely can. New research shows that you may be able to significantly boost your metabolism, by as much as 18.7%, and lower total and LDL cholesterol by 19.3 mg/dL and 15.5 mg/dL, respectively, in just 16 weeks. [...]

Is Beyond Meat Heart Healthy? The SWAP-MEAT Study

There are a growing number of meat substitutes available today in grocery stores and on restaurant menus. These include Beyond Meat®, Impossible Foods™, and other store brand versions of plant-based ground beef, hamburgers and sausage. But are they heart healthy? After all, these meat substitutes are highly processed (plant-based, but NOT whole food as they [...]

Spaghetti Squash with Vegan Broccoli Pepita Pesto

Who would have dreamed that broccoli could be the base of a delicious pesto? This vegan Broccoli Pepita Pesto recipe is whole food, plant-based and oil-free. You gotta’ make it to believe it! I love broccoli, and I love that I have a new way to enjoy it even more. By quick-steaming the broccoli, you’ll [...]

Ditching Dairy – Can You Get Enough Calcium from a Plant-Based Diet?

As a Certified Health Coach helping people adopt a whole food, plant-based diet, I often get asked about dairy. It goes something like this . . . Q: “If I eliminate dairy on a plant-based diet, will I get enough calcium?” A:  Yes, you can get enough calcium on a whole food, plant-based (WFPB) diet. [...]